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Grace Bible Fellowship Constitution

Constitution and By-Laws



Kent City, Michigan

March 2015




The covenant by which this church exists as a distinct body, and which every member accepts, is briefly stated as follows:


Acknowledging Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Lord, and accepting the Holy Scriptures as our rule and practice, and recognizing the privilege and duty of uniting ourselves for the public worship of God and for Christian fellowship, we do now, in the sight of God and invoking His blessing, solemnly covenant and agree to associate ourselves to be a church of the Lord Jesus Christ, as warranted by the Word of God. We agree to maintain the institutions of the Gospel of Christ, to submit ourselves to the ordinary affairs of the church and to walk together in brotherly love. This do we, trusting God our Heavenly Father, who commended His love toward us while we were yet sinners He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we have redemption through His shed blood, and the Holy Spirit who is our comforter and guide.


"Giving thanks always for all things unto God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “ Ephesians 5:20








The legal name of this Congregation shall be Grace Bible Fellowship.


The object of this church shall be:


  1. To preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in conformity with herein contained Doctrinal Statement.


  3. To maintain that the Bible, to be properly understood and applied, must be interpreted dispensationally; especially in light of the dispensation of the mystery, revealed to and through the Apostle Paul. (Romans 11:13; 16:25,26; Ephesians 3:9; Philippians 1:10; Colossians 1:25,26; II Timothy. 2:15)


  5. To lead souls to trust in the Lord as personal Savior.


  1. To develop and deepen the Christian character of the saved.


  1. To aid Spiritually/Scripturally sound Missionary enterprises home and abroad.


  3. To train up our children in ALL areas of life, including; social, moral, academic, and Spiritual in a manner in accordance with the Word of God.


  1. To expose and separate from all ecclesiastical denial of the Faith, compromise with error and a falling away from the truth as revealed by the Apostle Paul (I Thessalonians 5:14; II Thessalonians 3:14; Titus 3:10,11; I Timothy 1:4; Romans. 16:17).






  1. THE BIBLE- The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired of God in The King James Version, and are inerrant in the original writings, and are of supreme and final authority in faith and practice (II Timothy 3:16,17; II Peter 1:20,21).


  2. GOD- There is one God eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:14; John 1:1; John 14:16, 17: II Corinthians 13:14).


  3. JESUS CHRIST- As a man, He was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary and is true man and True God (Matthew l:23; Luke 1:32, 35; Philippians 2:6, 7; Colossians 2:9).


  4. HOLY SPIRIT- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead who has been sent to reprove the world of sin (John 16:7—11) and to regenerate all believers in Jesus Christ (Titus 3:5); to seal the believer into the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:13), to lead the believer into truth (I Corinthians 2:12); to make temples of God out of their bodies by indwelling them (I Corinthians 6:19,20).  It is the will of God that the believer be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18); walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-18); and bear the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25).


  5. MAN- The first man, Adam, was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26); but fell through disobedience (Romans, 5:12) and thereby incurred the penalty of both Spiritual and physical death, which is separation from God (Romans 6:23; Galatians 2:17; Ephesians 4:18). All of Adam's posterity have been born with the sin nature (Romans 7:18; Ephesians 2:1-3) which renders us powerless to please God apart from God's gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17,18 and 8:8).


  6. SALVAT1ON- The Lord Jesus Christ died according to the Scriptures (I Corinthians 15:1-4) as a representative and substitute for man. All who receive Him by faith, as having taken their place, are justified freely by His grace on the grounds of His shed blood (Romans 3: 24,25). They then are born of the Holy Spirit and become a child of God (Romans 8:16). All saved are eternally secure in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9; 3:1-4; Philippians 1:16; Ephesians 1:13).


  7. THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST- Jesus Christ arose from the dead BODILY and ascended into Heaven where He became the Head of all things to the Church, which is His Body. He ever lives as Advocate to keep eternally saved all who come to God by faith through Him. (Romans 8:34; Ephesians 1:20-23; 4:30).


  8. SANCTIFICATION- Every child of God is perfectly and eternally sanctified before God by merit of the finished work of Christ (Hebrews 10:10,14; l Corinthians 1:30; 6:9-11). Whereas this standing in no way depends upon the daily manner of life, the believer is expected, as his reasonable service, to live a surrendered Spirit-filled life to the glory of God (Romans 12:1,2; Galatians 5:16; Ephesians 5:18). We hold that the teaching of Lordship Salvation is absent from the Scripture and is a lie of Satan.


  9. THE CHURCH- The Church of this dispensation is called the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22,23). All believers, upon receiving Christ as Savior, are baptized into that Church by the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12,13). Every member of the Body is thus brought into a vital relationship and ministry with the Head (Christ) and every other member of the Body (Ephesians 4:15,16). We believe that the Church had its historical beginning with the proclamation of spiritual blindness upon the nation of Israel by the Apostle Paul (Acts 13:4-11; Romans 11:25).


  10. LORD‘S SUPPER- The Lord's Supper is the communion of the Body and blood of Christ which is voluntarily observed by believers in publicly partaking, in a symbolic manner, of broken bread and poured out juice in remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the means of declaring His death, "til He comes" (I Corinthians 11:23-26).


  11. PRAYER- Prayer, both as means of communion and petition, is the privilege and obligation of every believer. Prayer must always be according to the will of God and according to His Word Rightly Divided (Romans 8:26,27; Philippians 4:6,7; I Thessalonians 5:17).


  12. BAPTISM- There is only ONE baptism for members of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:5). This baptism is administered by the Holy Spirit and not by human hands and results in the permanent union of the believer as a member of the Church which is His Body (Colossians 2:11,12). The ceremonial baptisms of the Bible are related to God's earthly kingdom purpose concerning Israel (Acts 2:38; 13:24) and have no place for the Church of this dispensation (I Corinthians 1:17). The practice of water baptism is held to be wrong for this day.


  13. THE MINISTRY- Evangelists and Teaching Pastors have been given to the Church for the purpose of leading and edifying the Saints for the work of the ministry. Each member of the Body of Christ is called upon to effectually work so as to make increase of the Body into the building up of itself in love (Ephesians 4:11-16) and to propagate the Gospel of Salvation to all mankind (Romans 16:25,26; II Timothy 4:1,2).


  15. FUTURE THINGS- The blessed hope of the Church is the imminent, personal, pre-tribulational return of Christ to rapture into glory all members of His Body, both those who are alive and those who have died, forever to be with the Lord and shall stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Titus 2:13; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:51,52; Romans 14:10; II Corinthians 5:10). The Second Coming of Christ will occur after the time of the Great Tribulation upon the earth. Christ will return to earth in power and great glory to reign as King of Kings over Israel and the Nations (Revelation 19:11; 21:6). All the unsaved are without hope (Ephesians 2:12). They will be raised bodily to stand before the Great White Throne at the final judgment and will be cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the Second Death, where they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10-15).






    The aim of Grace Bible Fellowship is to, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, through the teaching of the Word of God to walk together in Christian love toward one another and our fellow men outside of this assembly. To strive for and never against this fellowship, and to advance its position and ministry in knowledge, holiness and comfort. To promote its spirituality; to sustain its worship, prosperity, ordinances, disciplines, and the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures. To contribute regularly and faithfully to the support of its ministry and related enterprises; relief of the needy and the spread of the Gospel unto the uttermost parts of the earth.


    We will also maintain family devotions to regularly educate our children in the Word of God and to seek the salvation of our families. We will walk wisely in the world, be just in our dealing, faithful in our engagements and exemplary in our deportment. We will avoid all backbiting, tattling and excessive anger. Be temperate in all things and be zealous for God and Jesus Christ.


    We promise to watch over one another in prayer. To assist one another in sickness or distress. To cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech. To be slow to take offence, but always ready for reconciliation, mindful of the rules laid down by our Savior to secure them without delay.


    We will preserve, keep, maintain and observe the spirit of these promises to the best of our God-given ability.






    SECTION 1. Membership in this congregation is open to anyone who accepts, by faith, Jesus Christ as Savior; and accepts the Constitution, By-Laws and Doctrinal Statement of this assembly. This person must, with the means and ability that God has given, promise to support the work of this church.


    SECTION 2. Request for membership in this assembly must be made to the Pastor. The candidate may not be enrolled until the Board, through the Pastor, is assured of his or her Christian testimony. This person will be recognized in membership at an appointed morning worship service and will then be entitled, upon reaching the age of 18, one vote in any congregational meeting.


    SECTION 3. The Pastor and board will have full discretionary power to admit or decline applicants for membership.


    SECTION 4. Any member in good standing who desires to transfer this membership to another recognized church shall, upon written request to the Board of the Church, be provided with a letter of transfer.


    SECTION 5. Disciplinary measures may be enacted by the Pastor if any member is found to be walking contrary to the Scriptures or this Constitution and By-Laws. Disciplinary actions shall not be taken until the member has been warned three times by the Pastor and the Board. Final suspension proceedings shall be at the sole discretion of the Pastor.  In all cases of discipline, every Scriptural means shall be used to restore the offending person in accordance with the injunctions of Galatians 6:1,2; II Thessalonians 3:10-15; I Corinthians 5:9-13; Romans 16:17.






    SECTION 1. The officers of this church shall be known as the Deacon/Elder (Board Member), which shall consist of at least three male members. This number may be increased by a majority vote of the Board.


    SECTION 2. The Board shall carry out the functions as described in the Word of God and assigned by the Pastor.


    SECTION 3. The Board will meet as needed, at least once a quarter. Emergency meetings may be called by the Pastor.


    SECTION 4. The Board will function according to the Responsibility Description as contained in this Constitution.


    SECTION 5. The Treasurer of the congregation shall be a member voted upon in the congregational meeting. It shall be his/her duty to collect and keep an adequate record of all funds, to deposit such funds as directed by the Board and to report to the Board the financial condition of the Church.


    SECTION 6. The Pastor and the Board shall maintain the authority to disburse funds necessary to carry out the ministry of the Church. However, funds to be disbursed totaling more than $1,500.00 must have the consent of the congregation.


    SECTION 7. The Board shall have the Treasurer's book audited each year prior to the Annual Meeting.


    SECTION 8. All meetings shall be transacted with at least two-thirds of the Board present. Should the Board consist of fewer than three members, no business may be transacted without the full Board present. No meeting may be conducted without the Pastor in attendance, except those dealing with the Pastor.


    SECTION 9. If for any reason there is a vacancy on the Board, the Pastor will appoint a replacement to complete the vacated term. This member must meet the qualifications of Deacon/Elders as set forth in this constitution and the Word of God.






    SECTION 1. The delegated authority of this Church is vested in the Pastor and the Deacons/Elders.


    SECTION 2. The Pastor shall be approved at a meeting of the congregation called for that purpose. Notice of said meeting must be published for two consecutive Sundays.


    The calling of a Pastor must be by a two-thirds majority of votes of the qualified members.


    The Board shall act as the Pulpit Committee.


    The Pastor shall not give less than thirty days notice should the Lord lead him to another area of ministry.


    The Pastor, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, shall discharge all the functions of the ministry and be ex-officio member of all church committees. In case of moral or spiritual failure, the Pastor shall be asked to appear before the Board for discussion and consideration of charges. If necessary, the matter may be taken to the congregation (meeting to be called according to Article V11, Section 3) and a vote taken as to the retention or dismissal of the Pastor.


    SECTION 3. Deacons/Elders shall be approved at a regular Annual Meeting of the Church. The Deacons/Elders shall be appointed for a term of three years.


    SECTION 4. The basis for selecting these officers shall be I Timothy 3:8-l3; Acts 6:3.


    SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, Secretary, and Treasurer to sign all deeds, mortgages, bonds and like instruments.


    SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer or Pastor to sign all checks which shall be drawn upon the treasury of this church.






    SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting of Grace Bible Fellowship shall be conducted in January of each year. A semi-annual meeting shall be conducted in June if deemed necessary.


    SECTION 2. The fiscal year for this Church will end on December 31.


    SECTION 3. Special meetings may be called by the Pastor and/or Board for the purpose of transacting business.


    SECTION 4. All congregational meetings of this Church shall be presided over by the Pastor. In the case of a vacancy in the position of Pastor, all Church meetings shall be conducted by a Board Member.


    SECTION 5. At the Annual Meeting, (January) there shall be submitted/available, detailed reports showing the financial condition of this church and the progress made in various activities and projects of the church.


    SECTION 6. For the purpose of transacting business at any meeting of the congregation, it shall be necessary that a quorum be present or declared to be one-third of the voting membership.


    SECTION 7. All congregational meetings shall be open only to all Active-Voting and Non-Voting members.


    SECTION 8. All business shall be conducted according to God's authority and on the basis of Roberts Rules of Order.






    SECTION 1. Endeavoring to have Grace Bible Fellowship carry on a complete ministry, Grace Bible Fellowship offers the following ministry programs. Each program is an integral part of the total ministry of this assembly.


    Worship Services: Services are held regularly for the purpose of teaching, equipping, and edifying of the saints (Ephesians 4:11-14). The services shall consist of hymns of worship, special music that glorifies God, the collection of offerings, and the proclaiming of the Word of God "Rightly Divided". The Pastor of this assembly shall be the leader of said services.






    SECTION 1. Believing that it is the responsibility of the members of the Body of Christ to share the gospel with all men (II Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 3:9), Grace Bible Fellowship maintains an ongoing support of missions.


    SECTION 2. It is the intent of this assembly, in keeping with the Doctrinal Statement of the church, to support only those missions which are in complete agreement with said statement.


    SECTION 3. Missionaries from mission organizations, other than those that are in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of this church, may be permitted to speak in a church service, but will not be eligible to receive monthly support. Only those missionaries from fundamental Bible-believing mission boards will be permitted in the pulpit.


    SECTION 4. Mission support will be given by action of the Board at such time as the church is in a positive financial condition with a minimum support of $25.00.


    SECTION 5. All missionaries desiring support from Grace Bible Fellowship shall meet with the Board and give testimony of salvation, assurance of call, and doctrinal position.


    SECTION 6. The support of missions, and or, missionaries may be added to, or deleted from the total number receiving support by a recommendation of the Pastor and the support of the Board.






    SECTION 1. A pre-marital session will be conducted and MUST be taken by those planning marriage during the given year.


    Couples are expected to cover ALL assigned work.


    Couples will be expected to plan and carry out the wedding and reception in accordance with Christian principles.


    There is expected to be a MUTUAL agreement on the part of the couple and parents as to all wedding plans.


    SECTION 2. The following shall be the guiding principles for Pastoral participation in the wedding.


  1. Pastor(s) will be available to help plan the reception if the couple and parents so desire.


  3. Pastor(s) will not marry a Christian / non-Christian couple. If desired, will meet and counsel with couple. If at a later time salvation is professed, the life shows fruit and the requirements are met...marriage is possible.


  4. All marriages of divorced individuals will be discussed by the Board prior to consent of marriage.






    SECTION 1. All property belonging to the church, shall be held in the name of the Church by the Board.


    SECTION 2. The property of the Church shall be acquired by voluntary gifts and offerings.


    SECTION 3. Routine accounts may be disposed of as the Board may deem necessary with a yearly limit of $1500.00.


    SECTION 4. In the case of a schism occurring in this Church, the right and title of all property whatsoever, shall be determined by a majority vote of all qualified members in accordance with Article VII, Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8.






    The Constitution and By-Laws of this Church may be altered, amended or repealed at any meeting of this Church called for said purpose which shall be in accordance with Article VII of the Constitution and By-Laws.





    Responsibility Description


    To be selected according to the qualifications stated in I Timothy 3:l-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


    The Pastor shall provide doctrinally sound preaching/teaching; to provide pastoral care, leadership, and oversight in his ministry.


    The Pastor must be in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship and will indicate such with his signature on such Doctrinal Statement.


    Additional Responsibilities:


  1. He shall personally maintain a growing relationship with the Lord.


  3. He shall spend adequate time developing, strengthening, and overseeing the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and social life of his own family.


  5. He shall give an appropriate amount of study and preparation to carry out the preaching/teaching ministries of this Church.


  7. He shall visit the sick of the Church to provide counsel, encouragement, and support.


  9. He shall have an intimate, working knowledge or the entire Church ministry.


  11. He shall meet the individual counseling needs of the Church family as time and discernment permits.


  13. He shall establish and carry on an active family visitation program.




Financial and Related Conditions:


  1. The financial arrangements (including salary, car allowance, social security, hospitalization, home, utilities, retirement, etc.) shall be provided for and evaluated yearly.


  1. The Pastor will be allowed three week’s vacation during the first five years of ministry; and after five years, four weeks will be given. These will be with pay.


  3. The Pastor shall be allowed up to three additional Sunday absences. Six additional absences for the purpose of ministering in other places shall be allowed. The Pastor will be paid for these.


  5. In case of any speaking engagements or being out of town for more than two nights, notice will be given to the Board.


  7. The Pastor will be permitted to attend necessary conferences with all personal expenses paid. These conferences will not be deducted from vacation time.


  9. In the case of all absences, the Pastor shall make arrangements for the filling of the pulpit.


  11. To be in COMPLETE agreement with ALL the ministries, Heaven’s Helpers, Worship Services, and Sunday School each one to be an INTEGRAL part of the TOTAL MINISTRY of Grace Bible Fellowship. Believing ALL truth is of Divine Origin, Grace Bible Fellowship strives to impart wisdom and knowledge in ALL areas of learning, spiritual and academic, as coming from and consistent with God.


I have read I Timothy 3:l-7 and Titus 1:5-9, and agree with I Timothy 3:14-16. I am in agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship and the Responsibility Description. I must be obedient to God's Word in my ministry to God and to this local assembly.




Responsibility Description


Deacons/Elders are:


To be saved and able to give testimony of salvation.


To be in agreement with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


To be a member of Grace Bible Fellowship and in attendance at regularly scheduled church services.


To live a life commensurate with this position.




Deacons/Elders are:


  1. To be present at ALL Board and Congregational meetings.


  3. To be responsible to visit those in need (sick, those in the Church Directory, suggested by the Pastor).


  4. To be at services before starting time to promote good relationships with the congregation.


  6. To be responsible for setting up and serving the Lord's Supper.


  8. To count the monies at the close of each service and help the Treasurer in any way possible.


  1. Expected to be actively involved in the teaching ministries of the Church.


  1. Shall be responsible for the Doctrinal content of ALL materials used throughout the ministries of the Church.


  2. To be in COMPLETE agreement with ALL ministries, Heaven’s Helpers, Worship Services, and Sunday School each one to be an INTEGRAL part of the TOTAL MINISTRY of Grace Bible Fellowship. Believing ALL truth is of Divine Origin, Grace Bible Fellowship strives to impart wisdom and knowledge in ALL areas of learning, spiritual and academic, as coming from and consistent with God.


  3. To carry out any additional ministries as may be assigned by the Pastor.


  1. To be an assistant of the Pastor in promoting the Spiritual welfare of the church; to be his helper yet being in subjection to and accountable to the Pastor.



I have read I Timothy 3:8-16 and I do desire to serve the Lord in the capacity of Deacon/Elder. I do agree to obey God's Word and to fulfill my responsibilities as a Deacon/Elder in Grace Bible Fellowship.






Responsibility Description


Sunday School Superintendent is:


To be saved and able to give testimony as to salvation.


To be responsible to the Pastor.


To be in agreement with the Constitution, By-Laws and Doctrinal

Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


To be a member of Grace Bible Fellowship and in attendance at regularly scheduled church services.


To live a life commensurate with this position.




Sunday School Superintendent is:


  1. To be responsible for the Opening Exercises of the Sunday

  2. School.


  3. To plan and/or coordinate all activities of Sunday School.


  4. To select and place teachers as needed.


  5. To meet with teachers regularly for the purpose and giving encouragement.


  6. ALL activities must be cleared with the Pastor prior to posting.


  7. To be responsible for ordering all materials for the Sunday School.


  8. To take a Bible Study course during the year.


  1. To be in COMPLETE agreement with ALL ministries, Heaven’s Helpers, Worship Services, and Sunday School each being an INTEGRAL part of the TOTAL MINISTRY of Grace Bible Fellowship. Believing ALL truth is of Divine Origin, Grace Bible Fellowship strives to impart wisdom and knowledge in ALL areas of learning, spiritual and academic, as coming from and consistent with God.


    I have read and am in full agreement with this statement.





    Responsibility Description


    A Sunday School teacher and Youth Leader is:


    To be saved and able to give testimony as to salvation.


    To be selected by the Sunday School Superintendent for a one-year term of ministry.


    To be in agreement with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


    To be faithful in attendance at regularly scheduled church services at Grace Bible Fellowship.


    To be living a life commensurate with this position.




  1. You should view your role as a Christian ministry. The teaching of our youth is indeed a Christian ministry equal in importance to every other ministry.


  2. You must realize the responsibility that you play as a model for your students. You must strive to demonstrate a godly life-style in all areas of life: family, work, word, and most especially in your commitment to the local assembly.


  3. You will spend the amount of time needed in study and preparation for your service each week. It is essential that you are thoroughly prepared when you step into your place of ministry.


  4. You are expected to remember your students by name in prayer each week and to contact them if absent for more than two weeks.


  5. To take a Bible Study course during the year.


  6. To be in COMPLETE agreement with ALL ministries, Heaven’s Helpers, Worship Services, and Sunday School each being an INTEGRAL part of the TOTAL MINISTRY of Grace Bible Fellowship. Believing ALL truth is of Divine Origin, Grace Bible Fellowship strives to impart wisdom and knowledge in ALL areas of learning, spiritual and academic, as coming from and consistent with God.


    I have read the above, and I am in full agreement.



    Heaven’s Helpers




    Responsibility Description


    Director is:


    To be saved and able to give testimony as to salvation.


    To be selected by the Pastor for a ONE-year term of ministry.


    To be responsible to God, the Pastor, congregation, and those leaders he/she serves.


    To be in agreement with the Constitution, By-Laws and Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


    To be a member of the Grace Bible Fellowship and to be faithful in attendance at regularly scheduled services.


    To be living a Christian life commensurate with this position.




    Director is:


  1. Responsible for administration of all necessary discipline.


  3. To meet weekly, during the Heaven’s Helpers year, with all for the purpose of sharing ideas, giving encouragement and time for prayer.


  5. To meet with the Pastor, Board Members and Heaven’s Helpers Leaders to evaluate the previous year and plan for the upcoming year of Heaven’s Helpers.


  6. Responsible to see that there is MATURE supervision of the children prior to Heaven’s Helpers.


  8. To take a Bible Study course during the year.


  9. To be in COMPLETE agreement with ALL ministries, Heaven’s Helpers, Worship Services, and Sunday School each being an INTEGRAL part of the TOTAL MINISTRY of Grace Bible Fellowship. Believing ALL truth is of Divine Origin, Grace Bible Fellowship strives to impart wisdom and knowledge in ALL areas of learning, spiritual and academic, as coming from and consistent with God.

    Heaven’s Helpers



    Responsibility Description


    Heaven’s Helpers Leader is:


    To be saved and able to give testimony as to salvation.


    To be selected by the Director for a ONE year period of ministry.


    To be in agreement with the Constitution, By-Laws and Doctrinal Statement of the Grace Bible Fellowship.


    To be a member of the Grace Bible Fellowship and to be faithful in attendance at regularly scheduled church services.


    To be living a life commensurate with this position.




  1. Heaven’s Helpers Leader is:

  2. To view the role as a Christian Ministry and not merely a job. The teaching and training of our youth is indeed a Christian Ministry equal in importance to every other ministry.


  3. To realize the responsibility as a model for the students. The Leader must strive to demonstrate a Godly life-style in all areas of his/her life; family, work, play and most especially in commitment to the local assembly.


  4. To work closely with each of the children, encouraging them to move forward in their achievements.


  5. To remain with the children throughout the meeting time; thus providing needed supervision as well as to present a feeling of concern for the children.


  6. To remember their children by name in prayer each week and to contact them if absent for more than two weeks.


  1. Encouraged to remember their children on birthdays and holidays with a card or a call. This lets the children know they are cared for and thought about.


  2. To take a Bible Study course during the year.


    I have read the above and I am in agreement.

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