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Youth Group

October - May, Sunday's, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Come Join us.

The object of this church shall be:

1- To preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in conformity with herein contained Doctrinal Statement.
2- To maintain that the Bible, to be properly understood and applied, must be interpreted dispensationally; especially in light of the dispensation of the mystery, revealed to and through the Apostle Paul. (Rom. 11:13; 16:25,26; Eph. 3:9; Phil. 1:10; Col. 1:25,26; II Tim. 2:15)
3- To lead souls to trust in the Lord as Personal Savior.
4- To develop and deepen the Christian character of the saved.
5- To aid Spiritually/Scripturally sound Missionary enterprises home and abroad.
6- To train up our children in ALL areas of life, including; social, moral, academic, and Spiritual in a manner in accordance with the Word of God.
7- To expose and separate from all ecclesiastical denial of the Faith, compromise with error and a falling away from the truth as revealed by the Apostle Paul (I Thes. 5:14; II Thes, 3:14; Titus 3:1O,11; I Tim. 12¢; Rom. 16:17).


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